Welcome to outer (inner) space
This is an experiment. There is no right or wrong, just instinct. Into this space we travel, a space so raw and infinite we can hold everything, and everyone. Shall we?
First of all, thank you for being in this portal with me. This space is one for us to start conversations that create the future as we wish it to exist. As such, please know that your question was step one, and I meet you here with step two. Our dialogue is crafted to unfurl on a continuum of new ideas. I beckon you to participate. I feel together we can get somewhere, and I feel called to do this work. Through truth, we will break through to radical peace and one-ness.
What are we doing here?
Is there a cosmic order to the telling of our interwoven story? I trust so. I will select your questions in the order that feels good to me, honoring fate and a little bit of chance, like a very heady tarot card.
“I believe if there’s any kind of God it wouldn’t be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between.” Before Sunrise
You are here.
[No. 1]
“HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR TRUE LIFE’S PURPOSE IS?” sparkled and cheekily called out to me, “You know I am the one to start this whole thing.” In that moment, I knew that this is the one, as it provides a deeper look into why we are all here in the first place. There is much debate and conversation around what truth means, and whether there is one universal truth, or many. (This inquiry is explored in a conversation I shared with the brilliant Talila Gafter in an episode of the “Last Cut Conversations” podcast.) In my mind and experience, truth lives at the nexus of where we go within, who we are, and how we live that out in society. It is an acknowledgment and honoring of the flow of existence. Truth is my calling, my journey and my landing place. I often ask friends and students, “What do you believe in most, and are you living it?” To me, that is where our life’s purpose resides.

Image by Hailley Howard
A maze is often easier to complete from end to beginning. So, if you’re feeling stuck, what is your life’s purpose not? Early on in my adult life, I followed the rules. I gathered with people I was told would make me happy, I did work I was told would make me thrive. Yet I knew I was out of sorts in my heart and soul, and my body began to suffer– and greatly so. I was living in crippling pain for the mirage of a prescribed ecosystem, chopping down trees inside myself as they tried to drop apples and whisper, “Here I am.” I climbed ladders and found myself in a foreign land. For me, the simple and pure road out of the darkness was, “Not this, not this.” I felt around somewhat blindly and eventually felt able to discover tiny trinkets of time that made me feel alive.
The person that was open to traveling new roads was tender—squinting in the surge of sunlight, young, but they were me. Legs wobbly, but they were mine. I was doing everything slowly, but in my own style. There was a remembering of connectedness to something bigger than my limited self, and with that, I started to walk in the suit of a more embodied being.
Often this feeling, this primordial calling or crawling, does not have a label or even a name. It does not come with rewards yet instead feels like a star in your belly. You must ask yourself what makes you feel alive, and then you must listen for the answer, without judging or revising it. The message might be abstract, and it might ask for some time to cook. If the word that comes to mind is strawberries, it might not mean anything in the moment. The meaning might come to you a few days later, while you’re half asleep or just waking.
Finding our true life’s purpose is an inside job. It comes forth from within. There are endless distracting messages about who we are expected to be and how to track that existence through homogenous markers of success. Yet this knowing lives outside of “should’s,” roles and projections. Think less doing and more being. Your true life’s purpose is a connection to a feeling that you then bring to all you are in life. Others will sense that spark alive in you.
Often it is simpler than we make it out to be. Often it is not so much an obstacle, as a gift. Carve out space for it.
What rituals, what humans, what objects, what places, what thoughts? These five breadcrumbs will trail to your true calling. I promise you. So, what is your true life’s purpose, I ask you? Please continue the conversation in the comments below. Let’s go.
I believe my true life’s purpose is to never stop searching for what my true life’s purpose is. I believe complacency is certain death, and if you find you’ve discovered your true life’s purpose, you must keep going in order to refine it, grow it, and with that, I believe, you may discover your original purpose was not actually what you initially thought… and thus the search continues.
I love this! “Complacency is certain death.” Here we are together, as the search continues.
The simplicity of living my energy of light, it has taken years to truly understand the form, and how it continues to transcend.
So beautiful. I see your light shining brightly!
Mostly, my life’s purpose is to heal and grow as much as I can while I’m on earth. In my personal life, that means meditating, doing the inner work through therapy and self-healing. In my work, it means spread information that can help other humans to heal. And I make art about the human experience – principally MY human experience.
Grow, grow, grow. I appreciate the alchemy of turning your personal experience into art through which all can reflect and grow.
It took many decades for me to learn what I believe my life’s purpose is. I believe we are here to learn that there are dimensions and worlds within and without we can access through our psychic abilities. Teaching people what it takes to alter conversations about what’s possible lights me up. I am here to live and teach there exist dimensions here and now where “anything and everything is possible”. It transcends the boundaries of our current reality and beliefs.
We are building new language to use in the new world we are creating. “Anything and everything is possible.” Love!
I think you’re wise, and I feel very lucky to be participating in this interesting project.
I love and appreciate you and your magic.
In this moment, it is to love and be loved. Said another way, to make life easier for the ones I care about.
Gorgeous. This is so beautiful.
I feel that we are here to grow, that what we perceive and experience are not random but there for us to have the choice to respond to as growth tools. Even if it is random / there is no consciousness behind it, we are still placed relationally in the evolving experiences and the choice to evolve in relation remains. Although on the literal physical plane of occurrences it does not always feel correct to interpret events as purposeful or meaningful, especially extremely difficult ones, our agency in our capacity to reflect on our reactions and inner dialogue with the outside world remains our gift or opportunity. I’m a strange way it is the only constant in our lived lives, our relationship inside to what occurs outside. Focusing on my journey like this has given me a very core sense of purpose as a human being, something that goes on right at the centre that is always available, that strengthens its abilities through practice. To practice something lends purpose, there’s a humbleness in remaining the student of life and knowing that your capacity for growth is endless.
Wow. This is such a stunning reflection. That connection to self and the capacity to always reflect within on what is happening around us is a powerful thread in our lives. “To practice something lends purpose, there’s a humbleness in remaining the student of life and knowing that your capacity for growth is endless.” I love that last sentence. Thank you.
I think my purpose is to help others realize their goals without judgement.
So beautiful!
My true life purpose is to love life and share my story so I can keep growing within.